Nombre: Jenn
Ubicación: Las Matas de Farfan, Dominican Republic

In May 2005, I graduated from Carroll College with a B.A. in History and a minor in Anthropology. As useful as my majors are, I'm working in Agriculture with the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic!

06 abril 2006

Things I've done

Here's a journal entry from March 26th. I know it's long overdue, but I still did them:

Learned to use a machete
Built compost
Built a huerto
Planted berenjena, aji, y pepino
Built biosand water filters
Came to El Salto de Jimenoa with the family
Learned to plow with oxen
Planted yuca, batata, yautia, maiz, platano, and name, by hand.
Built a fance with bamboo sticks
Began and analysis of trees
Caught my first bola
Used a chamberpot to bathe
Played Spades
Spent a third of my allowance on wine
Learned to dance merengue, reggaeton, and bachata
Laughed, felt lonely, and realized that I love the people I'm working with
Made brownies and savored them
Learned to tease in Spanish
Learned my host mom speaks English
Did Stations of the Cross in Spanish
Ate an apple
Played Dominoes
Froze at 70 degrees Farenheit
Regularly got up at 6:15 am, or earlier
Made friends with a dog named Paloma
Ate Pizza
Came to terms with the fact that my underwear will not dry discreetly in my room, but will hang in the front yard for all the world to see.